Me2day surprising event!!! Please reply it, the first 19 people !^^*
The first 19 people check your Me2day’s PM, please!!! The password revealing is prohibited.

Me2day surprising event’s the first 19 people are chatting with Mir, now!^^*
The fans who lost chance in this time!! ㅠ more more quickly in next chance ^^*hehe
The surprising event will continue!^^
Note from translator:
Note :
I read many replies of international fans in this me2day.
In my opinion, the member’s chatting at the fancafe will do in this way, unlike earlier approaches.
Because of ‘the order of arrival’, it’ll finish in 1-2 min.
So, I wanna inform you of simple Korean words related to it, as follwing;
깜짝 : surprising
이벤트 : event
댓글 : reply
선착순 : in the order of arrival
선착순 xx 명 : the first xx people
쪽지 : PM (Personal Message)
확인 : check
비번 : Password
As soon as you check this kind of post, you reply it.
If you replied within the order, you would receive password through PM.
Then, you go to the official fancafe and input password in the chatting session.
(There are some people who did not receive password though they replied within the order. It seems to be master’s mistake.)
Good luck to you.
TRANSLATION: qwert @ AbsoluteMBLAQ
ABM blog post by liliceprincess @ AbsoluteMBLAQ
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