[Trans] 2PM Haru*Hana Vol. 008 Part 2 Individual Interview

Scans credit: neruneruchan ; Jpn-Kor: Jinro @whattimeisitnow
Kor-Eng: Egle @2pmalways &rangkat

Haru-Hana Individual Interview


Q. If you were to apply the catchphrase “I am an Ultra XXXXX” to yourself, what would be the XXXXX?

A. Musician. "I'm an ultra musican!"

Q. What are you into lately?

A. Making songs. Lately, I've been referring to Japanese hit songs from different eras

Q. The point which makes you glad you were born as a man:

A. Hm, I've never been a woman so I'm not sure..being able to defend himself?

Q. If you could slip in time which would you choose the past or the future?

A. Go back in time to when I was three years old and learn and do everything I wish to do now. Do you think I'm greedy? LOL

Q. Among all the hairstyles that youve had so far, which one did you like the most? Do you like the style with your forelocks styled up or falling down?

A. I liked my hairdo when I was shooting the jacket photos for my solo single, "Alive." Please check it out. LOL Treatment of the forelocks depends on the circumstance. Either styling has its pros and cons. A do-up is obviously better for a powerful concept, however, the downside of it is that it makes my face look bigger...haha

Q. Musician "Jun.K" has released his solo single, "Alive." What are your ambitions?

A. I hope to become an icon of my time, that is my ultimate dream. I want to many people to hear songs I made and feel my sensitivities. Due to 2PM's tight schedules this year, I couldn't do any solo activity on TV. Better luck next time

Q. Where do you get inspirations for your music?

A. Whenever I come up with a particular melody, I save it on my cellphone using the voice recorder. That later serves as the foundation of my composition

Q. You got some style. How do you pick your wardrobe?

A. Not that I dislike simple looks, but I prefer stylish and distinctive clothings. I often wear both clothes I shopped and those I recieved from my fans

Q. What are fans to you?

A. The reason why I keep doing music


Q. If you were to apply the catchphrase “I am an Ultra XXXXX” to yourself, what would be the XXXXX?

A. Spiderman

Q. The point which makes you glad you were born as a man:

A. Being able to protect the one he loves

Q. If you could slip in time which would you choose the past or the future?

A. I wish to go back in time and become a better man than I am now. Plus, I want to mend all the wrongs I did in the past

Q. If you could fly somewhere right now, where would you go?

A. I would fly to my homeland Thailand, recently hit by major floods, to do volunteer work

Q. What was your favorite hairdo? Which hairstyling do you prefer: forelocks down or up?

A. I had a assymetrical cut with all my forelocks down in a diagonal for "Without U," and I thought it was quite unique. I like trying new hairstyles.

Q. How was Tokyo Disneyland?

A. I haven't been to Disneyland for about four years so I had great fun riding amusement rides and stuff, but some fans spotted me. LOL My persomal favorite ride is, "Space Mountain." I enjoyed "Pooh's Hunny Hunt," too

Q. Now that you are relieved of "We Got Married," how do you feel?

A. Empty. I feel the similar way when my drama or movie shooting comes to an end. I feel sorry to part ways with Victoria since we'd been on the show together for some time. However, we are still good friends and I'm not sad at all because I got such a wonderful new friend

Q. When would you like to get married in real life? And how many kids would you like to have?

A. I want to get married around 29 years old, and travel around with my wife for the following 1~2 years. I'd like to have about a couple of children, and I hope to have a friendly relationship with my kids.

Q. You are always so kind like an angel, but do you get annoyed sometimes?

A. Of course the BlacKhun is summoned from time to time. LOL I get annoyed when things don't go well. I tend to get mad at myself when I repeat same mistakes I've made in the past

Q. How do you alleviate stress?

A. I try to think positively. To be more specific, I try to forget about my worries by watching a movie or listening to music. The movie I watched most recently is, "No Strings Attached," a romantic comedy film starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher


Q. If you were to apply the catchphrase “I am an Ultra XXXXX” to yourself, what would be the XXXXX?

A. "Ultraman"

Q. If you could slip in time which would you choose the past of the future?

A. I'd like to go back to the past to change myself. To make myself a better person, I'd teach the old me everything I know now

Q. Among all the hairstyles that youve had so far, which one did you like the most? Do you like the style with your forelocks styled up or falling down?

A. The tied-back hair I sported during "Heartbeat." I liked it because it gave me a more masculine look. As for the forelocks, I don't mind much either way..

Q. What was the most memorable schedule you've done in Japan?

A. August "Mezamashi Live." I was worried whether we would be able to pull it off on the stage since we were all very tired from being up all night the day before. Nevertheless, many fans were there to cheer for us in the rain, and we were touched. I remember myself being happy because the fans' support gave me strength

Q. You're fluent in English and your Japanese is improving fast. We also heard that you've started to study Chinese language, recently. What is the secret of your exceptional linguistic ability?

A. That's an overstatement. LOL I'm not too sure if I got any know-how.. memorizing a lot of vocabs, maybe? Having said that, I heard somewhere that speaking rather than memorizing is the better way to learn a foreign language. So I try to practice my speaking as mush as possible these days. Do I get embarrassed when I make a mistake? No, not at all since I fully expected it to happen when I speak. LOL

Q. You're currently appearing on Japanese drama, "99 Days of Me and My Star." Is the filming environment of Japan different from that of Korea?

A. Since the amount of shooting of an episode is shorter in Japan than in Korea, the actors seem more at ease during the shooting. I'm a fundamentally cheerful person and I tend to pull pranks during rehearsals. However, I was told by the director to "suppress my cheerfulness and fully focus on my charactor," since the charactor I play in the drama has a brooding personality

Q. If a Japanese manga was to be cinematized, which manga and character would you like to play?

A. I want to play "Sakuragi Hanamichi" of "Slamdunk." There's one problem, though.. I'm not good at basketball... LOL Ball games are not my forte


Q. If you were to apply the catchphrase “I am an Ultra XXXXX” to yourself, what would be the XXXXX?

A. Superman

Q. What are you into lately?

A. Studying Japanese. Its interesting

Q. The point which makes you glad you were born as a man:

A. Because I became a member of 2PM

Q. If you could slip in time which would you choose the past or the future?

A. The past. I would like to have fun with my friends back in high school years, because I can hardly meet them these days

Q. If you could fly somewhere right now, where would you go?

A. To my hometown Busan

Q. Among all the hairstyles that youve had so far, which one did you like the most? Do you like the style with your forelocks styled up or falling down?

A. Ive liked all of them; because it changes with every single song we release in order to fit the concept, so it matches the image. I switch between lowered bangs and styled up ones every now and then, so I actually like both styles

Q. Do you have a wish you want to come true?

A. I want to be fluent in Japanese just like a native speaker. And I would also love to see my family

Q. I think youve gone to onsen on your day off, what were your impressions?

A. It was my first time at an open-air batch, and it felt new and fresh. Especially because the upper body felt cold and the lower body was warm haha. The onsen had dark water, and I also ate yoghurt that is being sold only at that place

Q. What is your ideal way to spend Christmas, if only you were allowed to do anything?

A. I would like to spend Christmas in New York or in any other foreign place. I would like to personally witness things like Santa Claus sleigh being pulled by real reindeer

Q. What is the personal vitamin for everyones vitamin Wooyoung?

A. Music. Of course, recently Im ve.ry. into “Ultra Lover”

Q. If you could appear in Dream High 2, what kind of role would you like to have? Is there anyone you would like to act with?

A. It would be rather disappointing to part with Jason, because personally I really liked the character, but if I were to appear in Dream High again, I think a role of a character totally different from Jason could be fine. I would like to act together with An Seonggi. Since I am his fan, if I got an opportunity to work with him, it would be a great honor for me


Q. If you were to apply the catchphrase “I am an Ultra XXXXX” to yourself, what would be the XXXXX?

A. Junho. Because I am a passionate man who takes anything on with great energy

Q. What are you into lately?

A. Writing lyrics and composing songs. I sometimes also watch movies to bring up the emotions

Q. The point which makes you glad you were born as a man:

A. I havent really thought about that Quite opposite, I sometimes feel jealous towards women, when I discover some cute outfits. Ever since the short jackets became trendy I would think that even a guy would look great wearing that, but there are usually only women sizes available

Q. If you could slip in time which would you choose the past or the future?

A. I would like to go back into the past and make myself become a better me by fixing particular negative aspects of myself. I think I could become a better person by making the better choice when the decision has to be made

Q. Among all the hairstyles that youve had so far, which one did you like the most?

A. Straight and long hair from Heartbeat days

Q. If you could fly somewhere right now, where would you go?

A. Since I really liked the Okinawa Soba when we were there, I would like to go back to Okinawa once again to eat that

Q. When does the sentimental guy Junho become sentimental?

A. When the wind blows I get to think that I need to live my life to the fullest haha

Q. Where do you get the ideas for composing?

A. I get a lot of ideas simply by leading my normal daily life. For example, lyrics come to my head while listening to a sad classical melody, and I also get ideas while filming for a variety program. But since I cannot really record anything during the shooting, later on I desperately try to recall it haha

Q. I know that you like animals, so what animal do you like the most?

A. I like them all, but cats are my favorite. Cats really don’t try to look adorable in front of a human being, quite the opposite, it’s me who has to reach out and ask the cat to communicate with me haha. I think it’s amazing and very charming

Q. Please introduce your cat:

A. Her name is Kkomaengi and she’s a sibling of Chansung’s cat. Recently the two animals met each other again for the first time in a year, and they really couldn’t remember each other at all haha. Her character is like that of a little girl. If I don’t come to visit for a while, she forgets about me and runs away the next time she sees me haha


Q. If you were to apply the catchphrase “I am an Ultra XXXXX” to yourself, what would be the XXXXX?

A. Sensitive Chansung

Q. What are you into lately?

A. Im spending my time translating Kaito Royale” screenplay while shooting or acting. There’s not a single Korean word in the scrip T.T So it’s really hard to understand it

Q. The point which makes you glad you were born as a man:

A. What could it be. Hmm. I guess the fact that I could go to an all-boys school haha. I transferred schools for a few times before I finally went to an all-boys school

Q. If you could slip in time which would you choose the past or the future?

A. The Past. Even though I’m still young haha. Up until now there were some moments that made me realize some things, and I would like to let the past-me know about it, because he had no idea of those thing

Q. Among all the hairstyles that youve had so far, which one did you like the most?

A. The Hands Up style

Q. Do you have a wish you want to come true?

A. (after a long consideration) If we’re talking about immediate wishes… I want to sleep.

Q. If you could fly somewhere right now, where would you go?

A. I dont really want to go anywhere right now. I just want to be here haha

Q. What is the point of the new album that you like the most?

A. There are 5 new songs there, and I really like those 5 songs

Q. Jack from Kaito Royale” is a very mysterious character; please let us know what we should be looking out for

A. Even though Jack might seem like a weird person, eventually, I think you will be able to understand how come he developed that kind of character. Please dont miss the last episode!

Q. What would you eat right now, if you could eat as much as you want?

A. Hitsumabushi (*a variety of barbecued eel on rice with sweet soy sauce in a bowl)

Q. What would you like to try doing if you became a woman?

A. I havent really thought of anything specific, but would like to try and become a woman for a time being

Q. When you do think its great being the youngest?

A. Never haha. There basically are no advantages haha. The members are all of similar ages, so we treat each other as friends

Q. Please introduce your cat:

A. His name is Jeonggamie and he currently lives at our family’s main house