Q. I'm the type who thinks a lot or I look at things simply (t/n: in an uncomplicated way)?
A. Surprisingly, I'm the kind who thinks a lot. We stayed in Berlin because of our Europe tour and I thought about a lot of things as I took a walk on the streets at night. It's been a really long time since I did that. 4 hours passed as I walked. Although I think a lot, I do my best to wash it out immediately. I believe in the power of positivity.
Q. A way to become happy during tough times?
A. The fans who are waiting for us! When I just think about that, without a shadow of a doubt, I'll be able to do my best.
If I can give a slightly more frank answer, it's when I imagine myself playing soccer? I feel happy just thinking about it.
Of course, it's even better when I actually play on the sports ground.
Q. Recent playlist that "up"s my mood.
A. I'm really into Jason Mraz's new song "The World As I See It".
Q. Someone special within the Cjes family.
A. (Song) Jihyo-noona is the only actress that I'm close to. I'm proud of that. Haha.
Q. My thoughts regarding charity.
A. Because I'm young I still feel a little awkward when I come into contact with words like "charity".
However, naturally I feel a sense of responsibility. Recently, I've been contributing more and the people around me are increasingly giving more as well so I've been thinking of better ways to contribute.
Together with the JYJ members, we gave towards "Building Houses of Love" for victims of the earthquake, but I take the most joy in supporting the children in Africa. The children are really cute.
Q. Your life's catchphrase.
A. A bad thing can turn around and change into a blessing! Even when there are tough times we should look for the good things. If we keep looking forward, the results will head towards a better direction. I've learnt this over the past 2 years, and little by little I'm starting to understand life.
Q. The book I read last night.
A. Practice for the musical [Elisabeth] will begin soon so I've been reading books related to it. I'm at my happiest only when I'm standing on stage so I definitely have to give my all.
-ELLE December Issue behind the scene-
Striker Junsu is energetic.
He played soccer with the managers and played catchball with Jaejoong enthusiastically.
He also sang in a loud voice as he stood beside Yoochun, who was in the middle of an interview.
While doing the photoshoot, no matter what pose he did, it was way too "colourful" causing a sea of laughter among those present.
When the staff's interest shift towards something else, he is someone who has the ability to garner everyone's attention with a joke.

Q. You said you spent quite some time overseas.
A. That's the thing. Rather than going around when I'm overseas, aside from my official schedule, I spend all my time in my hotel room. I'll dim the lights of the hotel room as I drink. Haha. Previously in Spain, I drank 17 bottles of beer.
Q. Wouldn't you start to think a lot when you're drinking alone?
A. Yes. The thoughts come one after another... Even though I don't want to, after observing, it seems like I do enjoy it. When that happens, I write. I have quite a number of notes that covers all kinds of themes. When I look at them later, I use them as lyrics. Almost all the lyrics for my songs were written this way.
Q. Thoughts on charity work.
A. It's a good thing. But it's not like I'm doing it with a "please praise me" attitude.
Q. Are you doing any good work? (t/n: charity)
A. I'm doing it, but it's not something I want to disclose.
Q. If you had any small moments of happiness recently.
A. Yoohwan's acting has improved. Even when I was overseas, I continued to monitor him via Youtube. When I see that, compared to thinking that he looks handsome or admiring him, I feel "happy" instead. Is that boring? But recently, these kind of ordinary things have made me feel happy.
Q. If there's something that you always set your mind to.
A. Um... (silence for a few seconds) I don't really know. (His manager who was watching said "For example when you told Yoohwan 'Let's not have any regrets'.") Yeah, that's something you'll only understand when you first experience regrets.
Q. If you were given free time to do whatever you wanted.
A. I want to go to a temple (Buddhist). If possible, I want to leave my handphone behind and go and stay at a temple with the allowance of time in my hands.
Q. Your favourite music recently.
A. Did Junsu talk about Tablo-hyung? For me, I like Linkin Park. Just listening to them reduces my stress.
Q. Plans hereafter.
A. I'm creating my personal work room at home. It'll probably be completed around December but from then on I want to push forward and work on my compositions. Following that, I also hope to get a good project next year. We're also thinking about our concerts... There are a lot of plans. Well!
-ELLE December Issue behind the scene-
Yoochun put on a hair piece.
He looks cool, or perhaps, it's a lonely image. His character and his looks are both calm.
On the other hand, the stylists who saw him blew up with a 'bang'.
"Oh, aren't you Yoohwan?" He looks like he's having a lot of fun when he's with the puppies.
In order to bring up his pet dogs he moved from his previous apartment and he also got a golden retriever from the camping ground.
It was his first time doing a photoshoot with his real brother and acquired a new family member (in the company) it was a calm day of "series of hits".

Q. How was the Europe concert tour?
A. The Spain and Germany concerts were really fun. Even though it was a little scary because it was our first time it was an experienced that allowed us to see "hope" and it gave us confidence and a new goal as well. While we were singing, the Caucasians were singing along and it's a different feeling from our Asian fans. It's strange (t/n: in a positive way, like wonderous/miraculous).
Q. If you had a must-have item in your travelling trunk.
A. Um, the kind of slippers you can buy from supermarkets. Those with thick fur that keeps your feet warm.
Q. A way to become happy during a tough day.
A. When you're in pain, if you pinch other areas, the original pain won't hurt as much. If I have to give an example, when I'm feeling down I down even though I drink a lot, the next day I'll sober up. If I have to go on, when my stomach hurts and I eat a lot! If I eat without reason, I'll regret that moment and I'll feel like my stomach is protruding out. So then I'll exercise. A way where you think all kinds of thoughts and forget the important thing at hand?
Q. (To Jaejoong who was playing catchball) It seems like you like catchball.
A. (Earnestly) I think the "catchball of the heart" of one person's connection to another is more important.
Q. If you had aabout a week's holiday.
A. Definitely! Never! I don't have anywhere I want to go if I had a holiday. I just hope that I can spend a long time in my house that I moved into. It's lonely when I'm alone, but that feels good too. I want to rest without thinking about anything.
Q. A (bad/peculiar) habit no one else knows.
A. Out of all my facial features, I have the most confidence in my lips, but because of that I have a tendency to stick my tongue out all the time. Because I want to wet my lips. (Editor's note: Interviewer turns away awkwardly and Jaejoong tapped as he continued) Also, because it's nicer to have red lips than pale lips, I bite them occassionally. Haha.
Q. Something that breaks away from your usual exuberant behavior.
A. Giving modestly (t/n: to charity). There are also times when I give quietly without publicizing it. I've also been appointed to be an ambassador for several causes.
Q. Something that makes your heart swell with satisfaction.
A. I don't think it's enough yet. I'm still lacking.
Q. Then, up until now, a moment when you felt that you were happy.
A. That moment when tooether with the members, I sing a song that I've created and completed. Before anyone else hears it, that particular time when we hear it only amongst ourselves and feel happy. Looking at it this way, I think that moment is one of the best small moments of happiness.
-ELLE December Issue behind the scene-
"Noona, why is there no one around?" That's right. It's because you (Jaejoong) are first.
Here in the backwoods all alone, without even his manager, it was the first time we saw a celebrity turn up 30 minutes before the meeting time. Therefore, we could only feel bewildered.
We moved the equipment together. And then Jaejoong quietly left to drink some haejangguk (t/n: also know as 'hangover soup'.)
Source: [lovemickysmile6]
Translation credits: mandasoh@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
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