[Video] 111105 Music Core Performances

MBC canceled the airing of Music Core last week due to a pro-baseball game. However, the filming continued and decided to broadcast the performance today.

This week, MBC "Music Core" is back  full of amazing performances!

Vocal group Noel made their comeback. MYNAME and M.I.B kicked off their debut stages. Amazing performances from SNSD, Secret, INFINITE, Clover, FT Island, U-Kiss, B1A4, Kim Wan Sun, Cho PD, Orange Caramel, Boyfriend and Kan MiYeon.

Check out all the performances below:

Comeback Stage : Noel - I Miss You

SNSD - The Boys

Secret - Love Is MOVE

Infinite - Paradise + Be Mine

Clover - The Guy I Know

FT Island - Like Birds

U-Kiss - Someday

Kim Wan Sun ft. Yong Jun Hyung - Be Quiet

B1A4 - Beautiful Target

Cho PD ft.Block B - Family Man

Orange Caramel - Shanghai Romance

Kan MiYeon - Don't Wanna See You

BOYFRIEND - Don't Touch My Girl

Written by: jhezwafu @dkpopnews.net