To usher in the holidays this year, 4minute will be releasing their very own set of season's greetings! Not only will this set include 4minute's first official calendar for the year of 2012, but also a diary, postcard set, 4minute masking tape, and stickers!
Currently, the set is up for pre-order only for Korean fans at such sites as GMARKET (starting on 12/10), AUCTION (starting 12/13), and EBAY on the 23rd. We're sure it will be available for order from international sites some time soon as well. We'll keep an eye out for all the international 4nia just drooling to get their hands on this hot item!
Currently, the set is up for pre-order only for Korean fans at such sites as GMARKET (starting on 12/10), AUCTION (starting 12/13), and EBAY on the 23rd. We're sure it will be available for order from international sites some time soon as well. We'll keep an eye out for all the international 4nia just drooling to get their hands on this hot item!
Source: CUBE
Reporting: kaori.@4minute.com
Special thanks to wintersun for the tip.
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