First of all I'm responsible as the main vocal. And I'm also a mood-maker in order to liven up the atmosphere for everybody! I am from Daegu at the south side of Korea, using Daegu satoori I'm be able to make (members) laugh. It is similar with Kansai dialect.
Q02) What do you want Japanese fans to call you (as a nickname)?
Call me panda! Because I have drooping eyes, we look alike right? Since a long time ago my friends call me by my English name, Jun. For reference panda is also pronounced as panda in Korean.
Q03) What is the latest thing that you devoted yourself into?
I've been devoting myself to composing. For learning purposes, I listened to Japan's Hit Songs from 1950 until 1960 and I fell for them. Anyway, I'm listening to many songs.
Q04) Describe your personality personally?
Atsui (It's hot)! Whatever it is, I always do it passionately.
Q05) Among Japanese artists, who do you like?
TERIYAKI BOYZ!! And recently I like GAGLE (a hip hop trio)!!
Q06) Among the 2PM members, Junsu-ssi leads in the fashion (style), what is your preferred style?
Europe's brand, casual style = Euro street style. I always wear jeans or a cardigan, jacket and similar items.
Q07) Smart phone application that you like?
Translating application. I'm learning Japanese through this!
Q08) Emoticon that you always use?
Not that I don't text, but because I don't use emoticon while texting, I always get like "are you angry?".
Q09) If you have a vacation, what do you want to do?
If I only have a day, I want to enjoy and drink my Americano that I like while sitting down relaxed. Or spend time with my friends. If I have about 1 week.... I want to go to Switzerland! When I was younger, I saw a very beautiful picture of Switzerland. I guess that feeling flowed to my heart. I love places with a lot of nature.
Q10) Recently learned or your favorite Japanese word is?
I recently learned 'kashikoi desu' (intelligent/clever)! I like 'shirokuma' (white polar bear). Because memorizing them is easy, pronouncing them is easy too.
Q11) What is the thing that you think 'I wont lose to others if it's this'?
Doing the finger flicking hard/strong! Among 2PM I hit the strongest. It really hurts~ I trained doing that since elementary school!
Q12) The latest fashion item that you bought?
I bought Dr. Martens rare boots from New York. There's bling bling shining thingy glued on it.
Q13) The word that is currently popular among young people in Korea?
Daebak! It's similar with 'yabai' in Japanese. We can use it for a great situation and also during bad situation, the meaning fits both.
Q14) The thing that you want the most currently?
Superpowers. For an example, when I am driving and there's a beautiful woman, being able to stop the time and turn it back, I can see her face again! Just kidding. You know when there's a lot of things I want to do, being able to stop the time will make me able to do all of it?
Q15) Deciding the style to wear at home?
A piece of underwear! (laughs) (t/n = Pants and underwear pronounce the same in Japanese, but since he laughed, it's most probably underwear lol)
Q16) (Advice) Although Hip hop dance is really nice, what should be done in order to be able to dance as good as 2PM?
When I entered the company in 2004, I seriously couldn't dance at all. I received lessons for it for 3 months, and it was hard to the point that I would at least have a runny nose and cry once (laughs). Take notes by illustrative memo, anyway I think the best way is to practice constantly and continuously!
Q17) If we are dating Junsu-ssi, what kind of date will you take us to?
I want to walk together while holding hands. And, since I'm the type that keeps up with anniversaries etc, I will do a surprise event! Lighting candles on the floor during Christmas, I will turn on a sing along with preparing a cake and a very big stuffed panda. And I want to surprise her by saying "Merry Christmas!!!"
Q18) How about the room's interior?
Ahh~ A common one!!! One day when I'm able to own my own house, I want to try decorating it how I want it. Because I love Rene Magritte or Nara Yoshitomo paintings, i want to hang them on my wall.
Q19) What do you do at home?
Play the piano, or produce songs... As expected there's a lot of music related work.
Q20) A few words for Seventeen's readers?
Excessive diet is not good. Eat a lot, especially my favorite Ootoro!! Please eat a lot! Act like putting on weight is nothing to care about. Ahh, but still, only to the point that your tummy doesn't stick out (laughs).
Q21) List 3 of the songs that you like from your iPad.
Remy Shand's Rocksteady, D'Angelo's Feel Like Makin' Love, SWV's Rain.
Q22) What type of woman's fashion do you like?
Although individuality is good too, to be honest my type is a woman that puts on a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans and suits it well. And I like a woman that wears a nicely fit clothes instead of loose type of clothes.
Q23) You are really good at singing, is there any secret to it?
For me, I liked singing since a long time ago, I practiced really hard. I also followed the style of the singers that I like. By doing that continuously, our own style will slowly develop.
Q24) Your skin complexion is nice!!! What type of method you are managing it with?
Heuk? Me? Eum~ I don't do anything except washing my face and I don't put on any skin lotion. If I use them, I think some issues can occur, so I use cold water and wash my face in the morning and evening.
Q25) Is there a shop in Japan that is a must go?
I want to go for shopping but because of the lack of time, I didn't get to wander around that much. When I went to Omotesando, I bought a cardigan at 'NUMBER (N)INE'. Japan's brand, I especially like "Phenomenon" and "Y-3"! I want to go to Omotesando...
Q26) What type of high school student were you?
While in class, I secretly eat crackers or something, or chatter with friends by whispering, or secretly take a picture of a friend's face while they are sleeping.... because of those things I always get scolded by my teacher (laughs). But because I was curious about many things, I was the type to try it out.
Although I was late a few times, I'm proud of the fact that I was never absent.
Q27) Did you do any extra curricular?
When I was a high school student, after the class ended I went home right away to compose songs, because of that I didn't get to do any extra curricular. When I was a primary school student, because I was interested in machinery, I was affiliated with broadcasting.
Q28) Since when did you start composing songs?
Since I was a first year student in high school. Although I went to a regular high school, I wanted to compose no matter what, so I went to a vocational school. The first song that I wrote, "Sunshine," I gave to Kan MiYoun-ssi (Korean female singer) as a gift. We sang it together as a duet.
Q29) What kind of woman's behaviour do you like?
A gesture when she is trying to put her hair behind her ears. I would like it if she has long hair.
Q30) Cute woman vs Pretty woman. Which one is your type?
All! (laughs) Just kidding. Her appearance should have her own individuality and for personality I like cute girls.
Jpn to Eng trans taken from junsu.kr
Kor to Eng trans by KimBoPeepOppa @JunkayStreet
Trans checked by JUNPEEP @JunkayStreet
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