Hello! This is the president of the B1A4 fanclub :D
We’re you upset that there wasn’t much news from us in November?
Since it’s been a while we have a lot of pretty pictures!!!
We have pictures from the precious time spent with B1A4 and BANAs~
Need I say more?
Now let’s go see the B1A4 members~~~~ GO! GO! Go!
The members were surprised from the moment they walked down from the stairway!
There was approximately 800 BANAs that welcomed B1A4!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The members seem so focused! Let’s hear what Baro has to say. Everyone focus!
Remember? Many people were curious about Baro’s hair. It’s real! No, it’s a wig! No, it’s real!The kind B1A4 quickly tried to answered this question!
But.. Jinyoung.. you’re not grabbing his head are you..? Your facial expression doesn’t seem so good…
In the end they didn’t even answer the question… You weren’t going to tell us in the first place! *pout*Anyways… Baro’s hair is REAL! Not a wig!
When at a fan meeting we can’t forget this! Picture time with B1A4 and BANAs!
They took 3 different types of pictures!

The members listened well to what the theme of the pictures will be..All the BANAs looked like this keke~
Chapter one! Ta dah! Everyone hold up your fan signs!!
Chapter two! Ta dah! Everyone put down your signs and cameras and look pretty! Ta dah!

Jinyoung, along with 10 exceptional BANAs, need to do it again… looking pretty…….
Chapter three! Ta dah! Lose yourself and be as obnoxious as possible! Ta dah!
BANAs…. you need to learn what obnoxious means from the members~~~~~~~~~ kekekeDo some research for more poses next time!!!
After a very short 20 minutes the meet comes to an end,
Baro shed tears because he didn’t want to leave BANAs~
“5 more minutes!” begged the members! As expected! B1A4 loves us BANAs!!It’s so sweet to know they always think of us BANAs :D
They asked for 10 more minutes~~~~
And in the end they earned 10 more minutes!
“It’s photo time now!!!” so each members came up the photo zones!
Here are the best cuts!!!
Leave a comment on who you think deserves the Best photo award by 12/11! This Sunday!!!Share your thoughts!
You just have to leave the name of the member who you think should win Best Photo and share your thoughts!
One vote per person!!Who will win the Best Photo award? What will be their prize?
The prize is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’ll tell you later~ (whisper whisper)
Baro had the most variety in pose!Every time he posed Sandeul said “Uh! I was going to do that!”
In the end he and Gongchan copies Baro!!!
Oblivious, Baro continues to pose~~~
They become very encouraged when BANAs come to the recordings!!
Don’t forget to be there for them when they’re promoting with their new album~~! ^^
Don’t hate me too much for bringing old pictures~
I have prepared all~~~~~~~~~~` the pictures that I couldn’t upload before!!
Just wait a bit longer~ Well then, have a good day and Let’s Fly! B1A4!
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