[Video] JYJ's Yoochun's interview for Legend of Zelda

JYJ's Yoochun has been recently selected as endorsement model for Korean Nintendo's Wii video game, "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword".

On December 1st, Nintendo released a video interview through its official website. Nintendo previously revealed, "We selected Park because he has played the series before. He is the perfect person to introduce the game to customers."

"The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" is the next installment of "The Legend of Zelda", which has reached over 62 million sales worlwide over the past 25 years. The game will utilize the Wii MotionPlus to simulate sword-fighting in the game.

Credit: JYJFamilyMY
Written by: jhezwafu @dkpopnews.net