[News] Brian is proud of Girls’ Generation’s American debut!

Singer Brian Joo expressed his support for Girls’ Generation’s successful American debut saying how proud he was of the girls.
On February 2nd, Brian, who recently released a new album ‘Reborn – Part 1’, told Enews, “I called Tiffany who is currently in America and told her how proud I was of them, and cheered them on a lot.”
Brian used to be an artist within the same company as the girls, SM Entertainment. He still keeps in contact with the girls and maintains a close relationship with them, giving them words of encouragement and advice.
Girls’ Generation, who recently released an album in the US, appeared and performed on CBS’s ‘Late Show with David Letterman’ and ABC’s ‘Live! with Kelly’, also holding an interview with one of America’s main newspapers. Brian said during the interview, “I told Tiffany that I wanted to join them and also perform in the US. She told me that I had plenty of potential to do so also.”
He continued saying, “In the era when I debuted, I couldn’t even imagine of advancing overseas, especially in America; it would be something that you would never even think of. I’m glad that Korean entertainment industries have developed so much.”
“When I grew up in the US, I experienced a lot of racism. And when Americans saw Asians, they only thought of Japan and China. They didn’t even know the country of South Korea. So I’m glad that through Girls’ Generation and through K-Pop, Korea is able to finally grab the attention of people worldwide.”
He finished off saying, “After actively promoting in Korea, I plan on promoting over in the US also. Please look forward it.”
Credits: enews24.net
Translated by: geeyoung123@fanwonder.com