[News] Crackdown by copyright authorities targets illegal versions of Se7en EP

Se7en’s new EP “When I Can’t Sing,” has seen great success in the charts since its release on February 1, though its popularity also comes with a downside, attracting illegal downloaders who want to listen without paying full price.

From February 1 to February 14, a crackdown by the Korea Federation of Copyright Organizations found a total of 381 cases amounting to 1,088 illegal downloads of the album online. As part of its investigation, the organization monitored major Web portals, including Webhard, which has drawn increased scrutiny from artists and authors lately for facilitating copyright violations.

“Through monitoring the Web sites, we were able to give warnings to the up-loaders as well as to the Web sites hosting these illegal activities,” said a representative from Kofoco.

The organization also played an instrumental part last year in the monitoring of 2NE1’s second EP, which was also targeted by illegal downloaders since being released in July.

Source: Koreajoonangdaily