[Photo] Kyuhyun's Wife greets Kyuhyun a Happy Birthday!

Super Junior's Kyuhyun's wife on We Got Married Chinese version, Lou Yi Xiao greets her husband a happy birthday.

Chinese actress Lou Yi Xiao posted a new photo of her and Kyuhyun on her weibo account. The photo above is the picture that she shared.

"Happy Birthday Kyuhyun~~!" Lou Yi Xiao wrote and attached their photo.

In the picture, Kyuhyun and her wife is looking at the camera while smiling and posed with V sign. They look good together though.

Kyuhyun is celebrating his birthday today so dont forget to greet and wish him a happy birthday.
Share your birthday message for him below.

Source: Lou Yi Xiao's Weibo
Written by: angelclowie18@dkpopnews.net