[NEWS] Lee Seung Gi & Ha Ji Won go fancy on ‘The King 2Hearts’

The self-made royal style of ‘The King 2Hearts’ has become an issue.

Ha Ji Won and Lee Seung Gi carried out the fanciest engagement party of the century in the recent MBC drama ‘The King 2Hearts’.

Ha Ji Won and Lee Seung Gi are working hard to be the royal family of Korea. They are pulling off the high class royal family look with one of a kind custom made uniforms and bags.

Ha Ji Won wore a white dress in the engagement of the century and posed herself as the soon-to-be-queen. The dress she wore was custom made by the productions for a very high cost. The deep cut of the dress revealed Ha Ji Won’s breathtaking backside and beauty.

The fourth king of the country Lee Seung Gi’s suits and cuffs have all be custom made too. The uniqueness gives off the royalty of a prince and luxury.

Queen Yoon Yeo Jeong presented Ha Ji Won who was going to Somalia for charity work, a ‘queen bag’ which was a tradition in the family. This bag is one of its kind for Ha Ji Won who was to become queen. The pearly white bag was made out of highly-priced python skin. The bag will be given to Ha Ji Won after the drama.

The open car that was used in the engagement scene was revealed for the first time through ‘The King 2Hearts’. Adding up to 300 million won (~US$300,000), all members of the production agreed to this after long thought.

Kim Jong Hak Productions claims, “We put a lot of effort into making it as royal and high class as possible as much as it is a constitutional monarchy.”

“The costumes worn by Ha Ji Won and Lee Seung Gi are all part of the efforts to make them seem more ‘royal’. We were careful not to miss a single detail.”

Source: hancinema