★ Goal of achieving first on the Oricon charts
- Your Japanese debut on 27 June is approaching soon, leader Jinyoung please tell us about your feelings now!
Jinyoung: We are working hard for our debut. Rather than being nervous, we are more excited. We want to hurry meet the Japanese fans, and stand on the stage.
- Your goal is to achieve first on the Oricon charts, right?
Jinyoung: We believe that if we work hard enough, we can achieve our goals.
- It is the ‘nothing is impossible’ mindset. Moving on, ‘Beautiful Target’ was a hit in Korea last year. Please tell the Japanese fans more about the song!
Sandeul: It is a fresh and youthful song. When you are down, I feel that it will make your mind clear. When you listen to it feeling happy, you’ll enjoy it even more. You will be able to hear various sound effects like gunshots, a female screaming and rocket sounds.
- The lyrics speak of a man falling for a beautiful lady at first sight. What are your beautiful targets like? What would you do if they appear?
Gongchan: A girl who is usually very calm, but in front of only me has much aegyo! If such a girl appears, I’ll take my time and express my feelings to her slowly.
Baro: For me, a girl who speaks and communicates well with me. But if such a girl appears, I will not just simply confess to her. I am the type who would wait till I gather up the courage to confess.
CNU: A kind person who cares and looks after me like a mother. A girl who understands me well. But I will not be able to approach her quickly, I am the type who would watch and look for a chance (to confess).
(Jinyoung starts smiling and nodding)
- Oh? Jinyoung, is that someone who comes to mind?
CNU: No, the five of us have been together ever since our trainee days, there is no time for us to find a girl we like.
- Your youth days must have been busy. What is Jinyoung’s type of girl then?
Jinyoung: Hmm, I don’t have a specific type based on appearance. I like people based on their first impressions. The style I like differs at different timings. If I really find a girl whom I like, I most likely will approach her actively and personally.
Sandeul: If I find a girl whom I like, I try to get closer to her. I’ll then actively confess to her. The type of girl I like depends on situations, but I like girls who like me.
- There are many of you looking for girls who like them. So, when you held your fanclub inauguration event in Tokyo in April, you guys showed a unique ‘sprout dance’ move during your performance of Beautiful Target. It’s become a topic, this dance that asks you to hold your hands above your head while locking your hips and moving your legs!!
Gongchan: The ‘sprout dance’ was created by Baro hyung while fooling around! It’s a dance that introduces us as sprouts, and asks for everyone to look after us in the future.
- Hey~ Baro has a strong genius rapper image, yet he managed to come up with a dance! In the Japanese version of ‘Beautiful Target’, Baro has to rap in Japanese. Was it hard?
Baro: Even though we took Japanese lessons prior to recording, it was really difficult. Due to the different words, the rhythm was different. But it was a really fresh experience. The lyrics had the same meanings as the Korean version, so it was less difficult than expected. And honestly speaking, my rap parts had many English words so I didn’t suffer that much at all.
Jinyoung: Baro has a strong obsession about rap. As much as he worries about the rap, he has managed to establish his own rap. His rap is charming because no matter how many times you hear it it doesn’t get boring, it’s unique and interesting.
- Jinyoung, you also composed ‘Bling Girl’ right? Do you create your songs as you play the piano?
Jinyoung: I don’t use specific instruments (to compose). I composed ever since before debut, and I’ve been composing using a synthesizer connected to the computer. From the computer, I am able to choose various instruments such as the drum.
- ‘Bling Girl’ is a self-composed song?
Jinyoung: At that time, I couldn’t come up with the chords. Hence I started by creating the melody, and then inserted the chords. I’m currently studying more about making chords. There are some regrettable parts (in Bling Girl), but I feel that it is a song that represented all that I felt before we debuted.
- It is a song that is jammed with Jinyoung’s thoughts then. In the normal edition of the Japanese album, there is an original song ‘Ready to Go’ included. How did you all study Japanese?
CNU: We’ve been learning from a Japanese teacher who comes to teach us at the company. Even though there hasn’t been much time recently, we’re still working hard.
- There is a handshake session on 30 June and a commemoration event on 1 July. You can show off your improved Japanese to the fans then!
Sandeul: So far our lives in Japan have received passionate support. You can’t even feel the difference from the Korean lives.
- What words from the fans make you happy?
Jinyoung: I feel happy to hear them say I’m charming.
Gongchan: “I’ll always be cheering for you!”
Baro: Hmm, nothing comes to mind.. Ah! I know! “Today you guys were the best! The best! The best!”
Sandeul: During the fanclub inauguration event in April, I introduced myself as something that would taste better the more you chew. I was very touched when the fans cheered me on by saying “Octopus, fighting!”
CNU: What could it be for me?
Gongchan: For CNU hyung it would be “you’re so cool!”.
CNU: That’s right! I feel happy when I hear that (laugh)
- What does everyone talk about when you return to your dormitory after your schedules?
CNU: Everyone is really talkative so we talk a lot. It’s hard to name just one. We discuss work, and put a lot of thoughts into what we’ve done well and what we need to change about our performances. Recently a topic has been about the music we don’t like.
- You are really passionate about your work. What about your meals?
CNU: I often cook. Kimchi fried rice, ddeokbokki… Recently we’ve been busy so I haven’t cooked much. But back in our trainee days, we had a roster to make breakfast for all five members.
Gongchan: (CNU hyung’s) kimchi fried rice is really delicious but.. I’m not so sure about his ddeokbokki.. (laugh) But CNU hyung grills samgyupsal really well.
- The member with a weird habit?
Baro: I’ll talk about this! I want to say that the three members (excluding Gongchan) are really bad at cleaning up. They don’t bother about the smaller pieces of rubbish. It’ll be nice if you did a little more cleaning up.
(Jinyoung, CNU and Sandeul smile bitterly)
- Baro is the only member with blood type B in B1A4. I think there are many things that the remaining 4 members with blood type A want to talk about as well. As the popularity of B1A4 increases, there have been solo activities planned out as well. CNU had his first acting challenge in spring with sitcom I Need A Fairy as a high school student with a dream to be a singer. How was it?
CNU: I have always wanted to try acting in a drama, but because it’s a totally different thing from being a singer so it was hard. Initially I was so nervous, but I enjoyed it eventually thanks to the opinions the members gave me, and the nice treatment from the senior actors.
Sandeul: I couldn’t imagine that the CNU hyung I was seeing in the drama was the same CNU hyung that I knew.
CNU: That’s right. I think the members were embarrassed to see the scenes I came out in. But in the end they told me that they got used to it (seeing me on the drama).
- You will start to get busier after your debut on 27 June. Please tell us about your goals for this year.
Jinyoung: We want to get a rookie award in Japan.
Gongchan: I want to achieve first place on the daily charts.
Jinyoung: Oh? That’s not it.
Gongchan: Ah! I got it wrong. I want to achieve first place on the weekly charts. And I want to achieve first place on the monthly charts as well.
Sandeul: I don’t know if I’m thinking too far ahead, but it’ll be nice if there were people cheering for us anywhere we go. I want to tell people about us.
CNU: I want to hold a B1A4 solo concert. A concert name that includes B1A4!
Baro: I want to lose 5kg, and make defined abs.
Sandeul: I want to have abs too.
- Both of you are having a competition then.
Baro: I ate too much meat yesterday, so it starts now.
Sandeul: The opponent is impossible (to beat). (laugh)
Gongchan: CNU hyung has many outfits that are sleeveless so he is always doing pushups.
- We look forward to how B1A4 will continue to grow. Please end it off with a word to the Japanese fans!
Gongchan: Everyone, please just wait a little longer! We are going to Japan soon to meet everyone, so please cheer for us and give us a lot of love!
Hobby: Writing and composing songs
Something you cannot leave out from your bag: MP3 and earphones
What would you be now if you didn’t debut: Inventor
If you had a Japanese girlfriend, where would you go for your first date: Namsan Tower
Where do you start washing from when you take a bath: Hair
Your future dreams: To have a happy family
Hobby: Exercising to train my arm muscles
Something you cannot leave out from your bag: Spectacles and MP3
What would you be now if you didn’t debut: Boss of a samgyupsal restaurant
If you had a Japanese girlfriend, where would you go for your first date: Shimokitazawa (the feel there is good)
Where do you start washing from when you take a bath: Teeth
Your future dreams: I want to own a 3-storey building; the first level will be a music school, second level a samgyupsal restaurant and the third level a taekwondo hall
Hobby: Singing
Something you cannot leave out from your bag: Spectacle case
What would you be now if you didn’t debut: I cannot think of anything else than to be a singer
If you had a Japanese girlfriend, where would you go for your first date: Kyoto, or Everland Resort
Where do you start washing from when you take a bath: Chest
Your future dreams: To let people know about B1A4, no matter what countries they’re from
Hobby: Movie appreciation
Something you cannot leave out from your bag: Japanese vocabulary book
What would you be now if you didn’t debut: Soccer player (even though it’ll be tiring)
If you had a Japanese girlfriend, where would you go for your first date: Hokkaido (the scenery filled with snow is really pretty)
Where do you start washing from when you take a bath: Usually it’ll be my hair, but if I have make-up on I’ll start from my face
Your future dreams: To have a world tour concert as B1A4
Hobby: Searching for movies with the themes of love and separation
Something you cannot leave out from your bag: Book
What would you be now if you didn’t debut: Professional swimmer
If you had a Japanese girlfriend, where would you go for your first date: Osaka
Where do you start washing from when you take a bath: Face
Your future dreams: To keep on doing what I like
Source: beautifulday.kr
Translation Credits: skipfire @ FLIGHTB1A4.com
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