[NEWS] Jang Geun Seuk ninja's around Japan and buys 50 copies of his first album!

Jang Geun Seuk has successfully disguised himself as a tourist and roam around Japan unnoticed. On the 4th of June, Jang Geun Seuk updated his twitter and said, "Bought 50 copies of my album and went unnoticed Tower Records in Shibya. Mission Accomplished".

On his photo's, you can see him wearing a mask and hat which helped him conceal his identity as he roamed around Shibuya in Japan and checked out his posters and debut album for sale in Tower records. Despite being hugely popular in Japan, his random journey went unnoticed even when he was posing in front of a stand filled with his albums for sale where a girl was checking out his album at the same time. Netizens commented, "wow, thats awesome, his appearance was completely concealed", "Im pretty sure he had a fun time doing that", "Thats so cute".

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net