[PICTURES] CNBLUE Pati Pati Sensibility Dictionary #24 – 充電 (CHARGE)


Time flies fast, to conclude, it is been 2 years.

Them (CNBLUE) who have extreme popularity also spend their busy days in Korea but to “CHARGE” is sometimes necessary.

In order to accumulate strength to take one big step forward.

Yonghwa – “Workout/Exercise”

When doing workouts/exercise I felt like my body is fully charged. That’s why lately I get hooked on different kinds of exercise.

Jonghyun – “Guitar and Travel”

For me the best to charge is the guitar and travel. Without anything to worry about, by just playing the guitar it makes me feel happy and it’s the very same meaning walking freely on a trip and that is one way to charge oneself.

Minhyuk – “To Sleep”

As for me, charge = to sleep!

When it’s a day off, I keep in mind to charge physical strength by taking more sleep as much as possible.

Jungshin – “A person who stand by me”

At times I imagine things like this. If, when the work is hard, and or the heart and body get tired, can’t human too charge like a machine….. For me, it’s something I wonder what thing (matter) plays the role of a charger. Just I thought a little. Probably, it’s someone who believes in me, a person who always stand by me.

Source: PATI-PATI Magazine July Edition
Scanned and Translated by cnbluefanfun
Posted by AJ@cnbluestorm