[NEWS] Solbi shows off her bikini body as a result from her strict diet and exercise

Solbi is enjoying the summer weather with her stunning bikini body. On the 25th of July, she updated her twitter account and shared a couple of photo's of her at the pool enjoying the warm weather and bright sunlight showing off her much slimmer body.

She shared that finally her strict diet and exercise has paid off. No doubt Solbi look's stunning in these unedited photo's that are as if they are from a pictorial for a fashion magazine. Solbi shows off her slender figure and S-line in her pink zebra print one piece bikini. Netizens commented, "Wow she's so sexy", "She looks really fit and healthy", "Not too skinny not too chubby, just perfect".

Source: Nate
Written by: blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net