[NEWS] T-ara's ticket sales for their first solo concert in Korea becomes an instant Sold Out concert

The competition for T-ara's fans to secure a ticket T-ara's upcoming concert is becoming a hot and intense. On the 11th of August, T-ara is bound to have their first solo concert in Korea. They will be performing their hits such as "Day by Day", "Lovey Dovey", "Rolypoly", "Bo Beep" and many others.

Their concert stage will have a total of 6,500 seats and the 4,900 tickets have already been sold from the preliminary selling. With only 1,600 sets left, the competition to secure a ticket is tight. Their official fan club "QUEENS" will have a priority and be able to reserve and have 10% discount and the ticket sales will be on the 17th of July.  T-ara is hoping that they can accommodate as much fans as they can and with the trend of the ticket sales, its no doubt their first solo concert will be a Sold Out concert.

Source: Newsen
Written by: blueprincess824 @ dkpopnews.net