CN Blue's Yonghwa and Lee Jungshin talk about surprise events,current addiction & more!

Lee Jungshin: I believe this seems to be an introduction to CNBLUE album.

There are various kinds of song genre recorded in this album.

CNBLUE, a Korean band, officially debut last year in Japan. We interviewed this band full of potential and slowly developing further as a rock band, we asked some question about the first major full album that would be released on 29th August.(JongHyun and MinHyuk were not present due to schedules conflict.)

JungShin: The album name ‘CODE NAME BLUE’ is named after our band name CNBLUE. Since this is our first major debut for our first ever full album, so I would like to introduce our album as ‘CNBLUE is this kind of band’ .
YongHwa: I wrote the lyrics for ‘Come On’ in this album. When I first heard the music composed by JongHyun, I can really feel the rock, hence I wrote something to suit it. I hope people can feel that strong emotion from the lyrics, same as the title song, ‘Time Is Over’. This song is completely done by me, as compared to the previous Single, this song tends to be more pop.
JungShin: I really like YongHwa hyung self composed song ‘Have a Good Night’. The song has a very nice music, moreover fans can sing along in the chorus. It will be very exciting and fun, I am looking forward to perform this song live.

First album release and October Arena tour is set!

Since debut as an Indie band, CNBLUE has performed at Japan’s live house and on street, they were the ‘musical warrior’, they also participated in Japan Rock Festival, and had slowly grown up. Finally they are releasing their first full album!

Jung Yonghwa: Everyone please look forward to all the new songs in this album!

YongHwa: There is really many different kind of genre in this album!

JungShin: Indeed, it will be really happy if you can enjoy and listen to all the songs at the same time in the given order of songs in this album from the first to last.

YongHwa: Everyone please look forwards to all the new songs in the albums!

JungShin: Besides recording songs for this album, YongHwa hyung has been making many and many songs. His composition is really amazing and full of variety. In the process of makingCNBLUE songs, YongHwa really did a large part of the job. In fact, I have been challenging myself to make music recently. It is one month ago that I did a melo (the first part after introduction performance) and chorus but it is still not completely at bridge (the part between first verse and chorus) and last part of chorus.

YongHwa: JungShin asked me to hear his song; I think it is very special and meaningful.

JungShin: Whenever I am stuck, YongHwa hyung will tell me, ‘this part, if like that will it be better?’ giving me suggestion. With YongHwa hyung’s help, it becomes my motiviation. (laughs)


JungShin: Wonder when I will be able to showcase the song I made with YongHwa Hyung, it will be really great if that day happens. Then we are also preparing for our arena tour in Japan in October.

YongHwa: From now on, together with my members, moving one step at a time to the top, so people please support us!

CNBLUE came to Japan in 2009, they have accumulated many live experience from livehouse and on street, officially debut in January 2010 in Korea. Jung YongHwa, Lee JongHyun and Kang MinHyuk have participated in a number of dramas in Korea.

Q: Do you watch the dramas that JongHyun and MinHyuk are in?
YongHwa: Of course~ Both of them are very hardworking. In the past they would still ask me for acting advice, but they don’t really ask me recently… (Laughs) In the beginning, JongHyun andMinHyuk were not familiar to acting, so I did give them advice; asked them to be natural as this will be a better way to portray the scene.
JungShin: I appeared as cameo in ‘My Husband Got a Family’. Although this is my first time acting, it was scene with MinHyuk. I was happy.
YongHwa: I went to *JongHyun’s filming site, saw the scene of him kiss on a girl forehead, totally got a shock (laughs). JungShin is also going to act on drama, hope he would work hard for it~
(editor’s note: Maybe it was JungShin’s kissing scene? Because JongHyun didn’t get to kiss anyone in AGD. )

Q: What type of person is JongHyun and MinHyuk?
JungShin: JongHyun hyung tends to give people a very cool impression, but once he started playing guitar he would become very passionate!
YongHwa: JongHyun.. ahh, he always falls down at the entrance of the building (laughs). Even he is at our own house, he would also fall down.
JungShin: MinHyuk ahh, his actions are always like a perfectionist. But…
YongHwa: There are times he is particular with some small things.

Q: Something that you are crazy with recently?
JungShin: YongHwa hyung and I are crazy with watch recently.
YongHwa: I will always look for new designs when flipping through magazine and products menu.
JungShin: However they are too expensive, we can’t afford. (Laughs)
YongHwa: When I am watching TV programme, I would think what kind of watch I would like to buy. Then as I watched the brochures, they are all very expensive and rare, feel satisfied after looking at the photos. (laughs)

Q: Did members make you touched recently?
YongHwa: No (laughs). For this year birthday, because of work we went to Hong Kong. I was still looking forward whether members would buy a cake for me, but ended up no. (laughs) Then I ended up spending a lonely night watching TV at my room that night to pass my birthday.
JungShin: (laughs) From this year onwards, we decide not to give each other birthday presents but wish ‘Happy Birthday~’
YongHwa: Indeed like this. Although we don’t organize party, if we are at Korea, we would watch movie during the day of a member’s birthday.

Q: Could you say something about each other that you are surprised of?
JungShin: YongHwa hyung is scared of pigeons, once he sees he will shout, ‘ahhh pigeons!’(laughs)
YongHwa: Pigeons’ eyes and legs are very scary, and I hate insects.
JungShin: YongHwa is also a busybody~
YongHwa: That is not busybody, I look for you to play with~ JungShin will act blur, and while talking to others, he will (make the duck face), so everytime when I am chatting with him I will look at his mouth. (laughs)

Q: What is the feeling of releasing this first full Japanese album?
JungShin: Till now, we have a lot of our ‘first time’, but I think the 14 songs in this album are our first product, it is the most important one out of so many ‘first time’
YongHwa: Do you mean there is a lot of ‘first time’? But everyone has their ‘first time’ ah?
JungShin: First single, first live. No matter what, I got the feeling this would be the last time of our ‘first time’, and is also the beginning of the most important time, that why the album is named ‘CODE NAME BLUE’ so that more pople can know CNBLUE.
YongHwa: Besides ‘In My Head’, ‘Where You Are’ and ‘Come On’, we tried many new and special songs, so the organization of this album becomes very meaningful.

Q:  Please introduce the songs in the album
YongHwa: I like “Time Is Over’ the most. It is not only rock but also pop. I am quite pleased with the lyrics. The song was made during my vacation at Busan in spring, I watched ‘The Avengers’, in the movie, they fight as they charge, I feel like they are like us. Also from fans’ point of view, we are like their ‘Heroes’ so did the song with that kind of feelings and thoughts while charging myself at home.
JungShin: I was beside YongHwa hyung when he was writing ‘Have a Good Night’. I was looking by the side thinking it is a very playful song, so I am really looking forward to perform the song live in our arena tour. The lyrics ‘espresso double shots’, I was the one passing coffee to him!
YongHwa: So what do you want?
JungShin: Buy me something? (laughs) I also like ‘No More’, when JongHyun hyung was making the song, he always used synthesis, trying to add some electrical song.
YongHwa: I added that one, as I heard that he has the thought of adding that, so I added that.
JungShin: Really? I didn’t expect it is that kind of music, I got a shocked while recording.

Q: How do you find JongHyun and MinHyuk’s acting?
JungShin: MinHyuk’s acting really improved a lot. While I was cameo-ing in his show, he gave me courage, MinHyuk is indeed very reliable even for someone like me that hasn’t acted.
YongHwa: MinHyuk helped you, if I were with you, I think you can’t even speak?
JungShin: Together with YongHwa hyung? If like that, I would not act for sure (laughs)!

Q: Is it tiring to be with YongHwa?
JungShin: Yes, really tiring. In the previous interview, we were asked ‘What is precious?’ At first I wanted to reply is YongHwa hyung… Feel like throwing that precious thing (all laughs like mad)

October Arena Tour
YongHwa: This time round we will be going to many places that we have not gone before, very excited. But I am kind of worried as there are quite a number of live performances. Like during this year fanclub, we did live everyday, it really used up a lot of energy, we strive through using our minds.
JungShin: I should sing right? Then everyone will be WAAAAA (laughs)

Q: JungShin is confident with his body shape!? What is summer to you?
YongHwa: Summer reminds me of the time studying in Japan, that time Japan kept raining, it could be having storm at nights, not a lot of sunny day. I like summer to be raining, and often I like watching at the balcony.
JungShin: Summer reminds me of watermelon! I like eating cold things in summer, and the best thing should be watermelon.  With regard to memory of summer, it was during my high school that I went to the beach with my friend.  Although I really want to swim… not very confident with my body shape.
YongHwa: Training~
JungShin: If now, I think everyone will scream WAAAA~
YongHwa: ‘That is Lee JungShin ahh, his body …’ Then did you wear clothes into the water when you were at beach?
JungShin: Hmmm, then everyone would scream WAAAA but I should be called and screamed with ‘So handsome!’ (laughs)!!

Credit|Jap-Chi Translation by: 菜菜 氢气 @ Tieba Baidu CNBLUE
Chi-Eng Translation by: huangyu @ cnbluestorm
Edited by: fizzy @ cnbluestorm