On 23rd September 2012, G-Dragon uploaded a picture of a small dog looking just like Gaho. As curious as fans are, SE7EN decided to tweet G-Dragon, asking him regarding the identity of the dog spotted in his photo update.
G-Dragon: Come over here cutie! (T/N: Lyrics from Crayon)
SE7EN: @IBGDRGN Huh?? Gaho's sibling???
SE7EN: @IBGDRGN Huh?? Gaho's sibling???
G-Dragon: @officialse7en No she's his younger girlfriend.....
SE7EN: @IBGDRGN Super cute ^^♥ (T/N: SE7EN used "gae" which means super but also the word for "dog")
SE7EN: @IBGDRGN Super cute ^^♥ (T/N: SE7EN used "gae" which means super but also the word for "dog")
G-Dragon: @officialse7en The little girl has a bad temper...
SE7EN: @IBGDRGN Hey the girlfriend doesn't seem to be of age! Is there prostituion for dogs? Gaho is a total thief this guy!!!
G-Dragon: @officialse7en ke ke ke ke I'm gonna raise the baby and mate them when she's an adult~
SE7EN: @IBGDRGN No~~~ By the time Gaho will be a wrinkly grandpa and can't mate☺
SE7EN: @IBGDRGN No~~~ By the time Gaho will be a wrinkly grandpa and can't mate☺
G-Dragon: @officialse7en Too exposing hyung...
Source: @officialse7en// @IBGDRGN// @kristinekwak// @appledarkcocoa
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