Seungri talks about his most memorable stage,V.I.P & more!

It's Seungri's turn for 6th Anniversary Q and A. Check it out below.

1. Your most memorable stage?
Seungri: Bigbang's 1st concert.

2. Your happiest moment?
Seungri: 1st awards that Bigbang attended.

3. The fan who left a strong impression on you?
Seungri: A fan who ran very fast.

4. What do you want to hear most?
Seungri: Well done, Seungri.

5. What do you think about the world tour?
Seungri: It's not that easy

6. What is V.I.P to you in 6 letters (Korean)?
Seungri: You guys are truly the best.

Q1. When do you think about V.I.P?
Seungri: Everyday. From morning till night.

Q2. What is the food that you can cook well?
Seungri: Stir-fried spicy pork(돼지제육볶음).

Q3. What is your number 1 treasure?
Seungri: Of course, you guys.

Q4. How does it feel to have your 6th anniversary?
Seungri: I feel so proud of it.

Translated by Luekim @ twitter
Source: Big Bang's Official Site