A Pink Interview with Ceci Magazine

A Pink Interview with Ceci Magazine can be read below.

Ceci: Yookyung, Naeun, Namjoo and Hayoung, have you ever felt jealous of your adult unnies?
EJ: I don’t think the girls will be looking forward to being 20 years old after seeing us. We don’t live a “free” campus life like most young adults do, however we do have a fantasy life though. Not too long ago, Naeun asked me, “Unnie, how does your neck feel when you drink beer?” and I was surprised, even worse, Namjoo asked us (the unnies) to drink beer in front of them.
NJ: I was curious that’s why. And also because I was afraid that the unnies won’t drink because of us.
EJ: I will take a confirmation shot of us drinking beer and will post it on the messenger board. You don’t think we’ll do it for you guys? (Laughs)
BM: We’re really curious about clubs as well. To be honest, we didn’t even go yet, because our title being “fairy-dols”.
NJ: Instead the unnies will make a club in our practice room, and that’s really funny.
EJ: I’m in charge of turning on and off the switch, but lately we’ve been lacking in business incase the switch would get on fire.
YK: We’re really jealous when the unnies watch movies.

Ceci: Haha, is there a recent movie that only unnies can watch?
EJ: It’s the movie “Taken 2”. This is a behind story but Namjoo really wanted to go see it, and she got in with adult accompaniment our manager oppa. She’s not allowed to do that, but as proof I will confess.
NJ: I’m sorry, though I was so nervous in the theatre. I couldn’t even drink a beverage and held in to go to the washroom. In a few months we’re in free irrigation!
EJ: When I was in middle school, I wore my mom’s formal wedding outfit and got caught in the theatres. I even wore pointy high heels and looked like a real adult. I was so mad to why I got caught. Now I realize how funny I looked.
HY: I feel bad that I can’t go to kareoke at nights after practicing because I’m still a teenager.