Billboard recommends HyunA as Justin Beiber’s next girlfriend

Following Justin Bieber’s breakup with Selena Gomez, Billboard has recommended 4minute’s HyunA to be Canadian-born singer’s next girlfriend.

On November 12th, reported an article titled “Who should be Justin Bieber’s next girlrfriend?”. The nominees include Carly Rae Jepsen, Jennifer Lawrence, Taylor Swift, Cara Delevingne, Demi Lovato, Rihanna and Korea’s very own, HyunA.

It is particularly impressive that HyunA was mentioned alongside many world stars. Billboard explained:

“Although they may not speak the same language, Biebs and 20-year-old South Korea native HyunA both speak the language of love in their effortlessly catchy musical stylings. With K-pop on the rise in the U.S., perhaps an intercontinental celebrity couple is just what the genre needs to declare its stateside power. Looking for a tangible connection between the two? HyunA has collaborated with "Gangnam Style" star PSY, who just happens to share his manager with Bieber. Hmmm…”

Over 2,000 people cast their votes to the survey and HyunA received 21 percent of the votes so far.