Code Name: Jackal Movie – “Extraordinary” mask sneak preview event

The movie, Codename: Jackal, had launched an extraordinary sneak preview session.

On 12 Nov 2012, there were 100s of Song Ji Hyo and Kim Jae Joong present. Actually, it is planned by one of the Jae Joong’s fanclub, Prickly noonas of heroses, to make the sneak preview special. This had caught the attention of many people.

Many fans, ranging from students to pregnant women, to men above 30 were present at the sneak preview. The theatre was full house.

Before the movie commence, all the fans wore the mask and took a group photo. They are planning to upload it on Codename:Jackal promotional website to support the movie.

Codename: Jackal is a movie about how a legendary killer (Song Ji Hyo) has kidnapped the lady killer Hallyu Star (Kim Jae Joong). The official release date is 15 Nov 2012.

Source: Newsen via Nate, Baidu
Translation Credit: KareenChan of JYJ3