Founder of ‘Cute Player’ BTOB Has Revealed Upgraded Version

Founder of Cute Player (Kyeomi Player), BTOB’s Jung IlHoon has revealed his upgraded version.

IlHoon has recently appeared with his very own personal talents, ‘Cute Player’ on Weekly Idol. After Jung IlHoon’s video was released, it has garnered attention, and ‘Cute Player’ has topped its place on SNS.

‘Cute Player’ has fingers as its main point, and for every number, different cute finger poses are presented.  ’Cute Player’ has now revealed its upgraded version.

BTOB’s Jung IlHoon and Yook SungJae had added an additional 7th and 8th cute poses, which are extensions of their existing 6 poses. Jung IlHoon expressed, “I’m still lacking of the 9th and 10th poses,” while showcasing their cuteness.

Towards ‘Cute Player’ Netizens commented, “I’ve replayed it so many times.. It’s too cute”, “Cute Player’s founder is indeed Jung IlHoon”, “There are lots of parody for Cute Player… But Jung IlHoon does (the best)”, and more.

Trans: MrsDooB2uty @
Source: Newsen