BTOB Jung IlHoon, Watches Sister Joo – BEAST Dongwoon’s Musical

BTOB Jung IlHoon has shown his support for his biological sister Joo and senior in the same company, BEAST’s Son Dongwoon.

Joo posted on her twitter, “Today is Frank-Son and my first stage! Iruni (IlHoon) too, came and watched too. Took a picture of 3 of us! And a sticker over my messed up hair because of the wig. Thanks to all those who came and watch the show. Dongwoonie, hwaiting for the evening performance too!”, while attaching along a picture.

In the picture, Joo’s brother BTOB’s Jung IlHoon and BEAST’s Son Dongwoon were seen posing a ‘V’ sign. It was known that Jung IlHoon came to support both his sister and senior of the same company.

Joo and Son Dongwoon’s are currently acting as the male and female lead for the musical, titled ’Catch me if you can’

Trans: MrsDooB2uty @
SOurce: Newsen