Mysterious letters on Song Jihyo' nails?

Netizens spotted mysterious letters on Song Jihyo' fingernails in a recent Running Man episode which featured actress Choi Ji Woo as guest.

It was the scene when Jihyo achieved 1 star after finishing her mission and attached it on her chest. Netizen immediately spotted something on her nails and then captured it, and according to the photo, you can see there are letters "BACK CJ" printed on her fingernails. Netizen are suspecting whether they stand for "Baek Chang Joo"- C-JES Entertainment CEO(Song Jihyo's boyfriend).

Song Jihyo first annouced about her relationship with her boyfriend back in Febuary. They have been together for a while now and in a recent interview Jihyo said their relationship is still going well.

People commented when they saw the photo,"How about Monday Couple now?","Gary ah don't be jealous", and so on