[Interview] Big Bang Q&A on AnAn Magazine Japan


September Issue of AnAn Magazine Japan

Q1] I'm unexpectedly _______ (Fill in the blank)

GD: Round (as opposed to being sharp). This is different from what others think of me. But I am actually the type who can get along with other people pretty well.
SOL: Not honest. But I try to be.
TOP: Feels lonely easily and has a weak heart. I feel lonely even when I have my family and the members. But I guess everyone just feels lonely sometimes.
DL: People don't know that I'm actually a shy person.
VI: That I'm just 20 years old but with the mind of a 29-year old. I have 2 attractions. One is cuteness and the other is being manly.

Q2] How do you overcome pressure or "weakness of the mind" (i.e. lack of determination or confidence)?
GD: I really don't have "weakness of the mind" because I love music. I love music therefore I try and work hard to be better at it.
SOL: I just think of the reason why I wanted to be a singer in the first place. Then I control my mind to be happy.
TOP: I don't usually get nervous by nature. If I get nervous, the message I'm trying to communicate won't be conveyed properly. I just concentrate on my performance.
DL: I usually worry until I get to the stage (or the work field). But when I'm there, I just concentrate on enjoying. I want to be a person who doesn't worry about anything.
VI: I don't feel pressured. If I feel pressured, I will only make mistakes while dancing and singing. That's terrible.

Q3] If you can be one of the other members for one day, who would you want to be?

GD: (No answer)
SOL: I wanted to be TOP or VI before. But now, I think I just want to stay as myself. (Laugh)
TOP: Do I want to change personality with DLITE? Well, honestly, I've always wanted to be just myself.
DL: TOP. He seems to be just having fun always and looks like he doesn't feel any stress.
VI: Me!

Q4] One year has passed since your debut in Japan. Do you feel that you're becoming more popular and getting more fans?

GD: I think because of my unique fashion, more and more male fans are supporting us. I appreciate that we're getting more fans. Doesn't matter if they're male or female.
SOL: When I go shopping in Tokyo now, people seem to know who I am.
TOP: (No answer)
DL: I appreciate the love that we're getting very much. I will work hard as long as I can.
VI: I'm really glad that a lot of celebrities came to our concerts. Now, I think want to appear on variety shows more.

Q5] What stuff or activity has gotten your interest recently?

GD: Shoes. My favorite Christian Louboutin sneakers.
SOL: Michael Jackson. I respect him and the influence I got from him when I was a child will remain forever.
TOP: Among designers, I like Tom Brown. Fashion magazines like Vogue Korea and W match my style very well.
DL: Playing darts with members. I played darts for the first time and got high points. I think playing darts is really suitable for me.
VI: I like Japanese dramas and comedy shows. Recently, I memorized W engine's gag, "Horetemauyaro~!" (Means I'll fall in love with you.)

Scans by: Tisya @ www.bigbangupdates.com
Translations by: Noriko @ www.bigbangupdates.com
Credits To :Tisya@bigbangupdates.com

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