[Twitter] Minhyuk “Jonghyun hyung and I ate pork soup..

“드디어 내일모레면 어쿠스틱 시사회입니다!! 정말더운여름에 힘들게 촬영했었는데 내일모레면 시사회도 갖고 개봉도 앞두고있어서 너무 기대됩니다 영화어쿠스틱 재밌게봐주세요 “

“There will be a preview of Acoustic the day after tomorrow. We had filmed in summer with difficulty due to the hot weather.. I really look forward to the opening of movie and the preview at the day after tomorrow. Please enjoy our movie “Acoustic”.”

“보너스 !어쿠스틱으로 부산국제영화제에갔을때 종현이형이랑 돼지국밥먹었어요 ~!!!!”

“Bonus! when Acoustic went to the Pusan International Film Festival Jonghyun hyung and I ate pork soup ~!!!!”

Source : CNBLUE_4@twitter
Translated by omonOona & CebuNuna@cnbluestorm
Posted by omonOona@cnbluestorm