안녕하세요 정신입니다!!잘 지내고 계시죠? 저도 잘지내고 있어요. 오는 21일저희의 정규1집 FIRST STEP이 발매됩니다 ~좋은노래 많으니까 많이 기대해주세요! 21일 저희는 어디에 있을까용??
Translation by blue_jus7@codeazzuro:
Hi, this is Jungshin!! Are you doing well? I’m doing good as well. Our first album FIRST STEP will be released on March 21st~ As there are a lot of good songs (in the album), please look forward to it! Can you guess where we would be on March 21st??
Translator’s Note: He said the last word in a cutely manner xD
안녕하세요 CNBLUE 정신입니다 여러분 잘지내시죠? 저도 잘지내고 있어용 오는 21일!! 저희 정규 1집 FIRST STEP이 발매됩니다~~~~~ 좋은 노래 정말 많으니까 많이 기대해주시길바랍니다!! 또 곧 찾아뵙도록 하겠습니당 바이바이
Translation by blue_jus7@codeazzuro:
Hi, this is CNBLUE Jungshin. How’s everyone doing? I’m doing good here. This March 21st! Our first album “FIRST STEP” will be released~~~~~ There are a lot of good songs in it, so please look forward to it!! I hope to come and visit you again. Bye bye
Source: CNBLUE_4@twitter and CNBLUE@weibo
Translation: blue_jus7@codeazzuro
Shared by burningvoice@cnbluestorm
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