[INTERVIEW] Orange Caramel’s Interview with Star News

-Wrapped up After School’s 1st Japan Activities and comeback with Orange Caramel, How do you feel?

Raina : It’s kinda fun because it’s been a while. 3 of us is back with Chinese concept this time, we transformed into 3-twins with same hairstyles and even facial expression, It’s a song with our own style, So we feel happy.

▶Nana : Our choreography is also easy to be followed, It will be popular. Isn’t the Kungfu Moves interesting?

-Super Junior Heechul wrote the Song’s lyric.

Lizzy : Kim Heechul oppa has been supporting Orange Caramel for a long time. He often play our song in the radio, and he gave the lyrics for us a gift before enlisted to army service

-Nana has a solo song in this album.

Nana: ’Close Your Eyes’ Is my first solo song ever. The song is kinda touching and i worked hard for singing it . I have been burdened because it’s my first solo song but with help of Raina unni, i did it well.

-The comical music video is also impressing.

Raina : All three of us have a role as a girl who sedducted the male main role. I did walked and acting pretty then doing eye contact with the male but then i bumped into a lamp, Nana also entertaining with snobby acting. Lizzy also failed when she try to flirt the male main role. We really have a lot of fun when shooting, so it will be good if the fans like it.

-3 of you seems looks close rather than with other After School Members.

Raina : Among After School members, 3 of us dont really have a big age difference , we also trained together, and we have been through a lot together, so we have really good relationship.

▶Lizzy : All members are close with each other. And we gained a lot of recognition because of Orange Caramel activities, so i’m happy.

-How was your Modeling/Acting activities?

Nana: I made an appearance on Japan’s Famous ‘Tokyo Girls Collection’ . It’s a first modeling after i debuted and i am so nervouse because i had to modeling with famous japanese models. But i dud my best. And also , T-Ara is performing in the show too, and i feel so proud as korean singer

▶Lizzy : I made an appeareance on sitcom MBC ‘All My Love’ in past 7 months. I was actually appeared only as a cameo for 1 episode,And i feel happy because i got to wrapped it up until the last episode of the sitcom. It feels like retired from entertainment industry.(Laugh) And i’ve received an advices from actor/actress sunbaenims that made an appearance too in ‘All My Love’ And i would like to challenge for acting on a drama. Lately, i’ve been practicing to speak without accent.

-Is there anything you would like to challenge?

Raina : I want to have a solo album. I thought appeared on ‘Immortal Song 2’ is a honor for me. Even i only appeared for once,I feel happy because a lot of people giving a compliments.

▶ Lizzy : I want to be all-around entertainer. Singing, acting and being a MC. I also want to be a Music Show MC, and i also want to be a Professor who teach entertainment division on the university.

Nana : I want to try acting if there’s an opportunity

-After School was ranked #6 on Oricon Chart, How was your Japanese activities?

Raina : It’s exciting and surprising because a lot of people recognize us. When we went to a Shopping Mall, the fans are taking a photo and greet us. We are also happy that we have a chance to do a show with famous japanese singers. K-Pop popularity is awesome lately. On the street at japan, there are a lot of korean singers posters, and i feel happy just by looking at it

-Orange Caramel will have a competition with Girlgroups such as Girls’ Generation, Wonder Girls, Secret and T-Ara..

Raina : There are a lot of Girlgroups that will have a comeback soon, And it will be called ‘Gulf War’. But we’re happy that we have different concept with our own styles. We will shows up the unique and funny vibe on stage whose only Orange Caramel have.

Trans : Ahyoo@PlaygirlzWorld.Com