[Twitter] The power of Space Big Star Heechul

Idols especially those members of "Chocoballs" have been talking about Super Junior's Kim Heechul (who is currently serving his 2-year duty) upon the release of Orange Caramel's Shanghai Romance.

Just earlier, Heechul changed his twitter display picture to Orange Caramel's cover with an edited version of his face.

Junhyung’s tweet trans:
Heard that Heenim has composed a song for Orange Caramel is out!? Then shouldn’t everyone go and listen to it immediately?

Hongki RT Junhyung and added:
That’s right.

Jang Geun Suk RT Junhyung + Hongki and added:
The song composed by Space Big Star…. Otherwise Orange Caramel comeback…. Hahahaha

Jungmo RT Junhyung and added:
Hope everyone will go and listen to it~

Siwon tweeted:
This time, Heechul hyung’s song composed for Orange Caramel’s new album is ‘Shanghai Romance’, hope everyone will show lots of love and attention to it, very curious to what he wrote this time :)

Translated by rapperhyuk
Written by shaynekay@dkpopnews.net